VIDAS DE PAPEL, S. L., (hereinafter referred to as Vidas de Papel), CIF B- 86264397, provide the users of their website with certain contents concerning their activities.
The present general conditions apply solely to the USERS that access the website . The present general conditions are shown to USERS on each and every page of our website and whenever they enter their personal data on the forms available. USERS are expected to read, print, save and sign these general conditions via internet. USERS will not be allowed to enter any data unless they have previously accepted such conditions.
VIDAS DE PAPEL, S. L. is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, volume 29168, book 0, sheet 85, section 8, page M 525117.
By accessing and browsing this site, you accept, without limitation or qualification, these Terms and Conditions and that you fully understand them. The USER will not use the Website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms and Conditions, which must be respected at all times
FIRST. - The website Vidas de Papel has been created to make available to USERS information about our activities and to contact us for further information, and also to offer the USER the possibility to buy our products. By using the website service and purchasing our products you agree with these terms of use.
2.1.-The conditions of access and use of the present website are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and under good faith, and the USER is responsible for this. All acts that violate the law, rights or interests of third parties are prohibited: right to privacy, data protection, intellectual property rights... Vidas de Papel expressly prohibits the following:
2.1.1. - Any kind of action that might damage either Vidas de Papel or the website’s or third parties’ systems through our website and by any means.
2.1.2. - Any kind of unauthorized publicity and/or commercial information, either openly or covertly done. It is also forbidden to send multiple e-mails (spamming) and send oversized messages to block the network servers (mail bombing).
2.2. - Vidas de Papel reserves the right to deny access to its website whenever it detects that it is being used in a way that breaks laws, good faith practise or the present general conditions (see fifth clause).
The contents included in this website have been elaborated and uploaded by Vidas de Papel using external and internal sources so that:
3.1. - Vidas de Papel will be only liable for the contents elaborated internally.
3.2. - Vidas de Papel reserves the right to change the contents of their website at any time.
4.1. – Under no circumstances will Vidas de Papel be liable for:
4.1.1. - Any failure and/or incident occurred in communication, deletion or deficient transmission. Vidas de Papel does not guarantee that the transmission network will be operational at all times.
4.1.2. – Any damages that USERS or third parties might provoke in the website.
4.2. - Vidas de Papel reserves the right to deny access at our own discretion, either temporarily or definitively, with no previous notice, until the responsibility for any possible damage is discovered. Likewise, Vidas de Papel will collaborate and inform the competent authority on such incidences as soon as they have certain knowledge that the damage provoked constitutes an illicit activity.
Vidas de Papel website (including all its contents, the website programming and its design) is completely protected by copyright. Any reproduction, distribution, public dissemination, transfers or transformations by any other means of the contents of Vidas de Papel, without our express consent, is strictly and unconditionally forbidden. Vidas de Papel may use external sources for the elaborations of their contents, and also provide links or hyperlinks to third-party articles or information quoting the source. The legitimate owner of the copyright and the information included in that way may at any time request the removal of those references.
The present general conditions are governed by the Spanish law. The Courts of Madrid have the jurisdiction to settle any dispute or conflict arising out of the general conditions. The USER expressly renounces any other jurisdiction that may correspond.
Should any provision of this document be declared invalid, the remaining provisions remain in force and shall be interpreted taking into account the willingness of the parties and the purpose of these conditions. Vidas de Papel may choose not to exercise any of the rights and powers conferred in this document, which does not imply any waiver of them unless expressly acknowledge by Vidas de Papel.
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