Originally written in 1902 for a magazine for young readers, London edited and modified it until he conluded his ultimate version in 1910. This story of a man and a dog that walk through a snowy forest at sunset at -60ºC holds many parallels to White Fang and Call of the Wild, Jack London’s most popular novels, which also portray winter sceneries, the dog’s loyalty to his master, loneliness and death.
In his drawings, Raúl Arias conveys the characters’ anguish and loneliness, the ominous presence of the wild, human selfishness when their lives are at risk and the kindness of a dog that stands out in the whiteness of this winter book.
In vidasdepapel.com you can also buy the original drawings by Raúl Arias at a good price. Along with the original drawing, you will also receive a copy of the book published by Rey Lear Ed.
21 works
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