(San Sebastián - Spain, 1971)
He got a degree in Etching Art in the Faculty of Fine Arts of Universidad Complutense (Madrid), and has worked as an illustrator for different media like El País Semanal and several design and advertising agencies, although he devotes most of his time to comic illustration. A regular contributor in different magazines such as Tos, Humo, Cretino and Dos veces breve, he published the monographs El lado amargo and El gabinete del doctor Salgari (Astiberri, 2005 y 2007), Sociedad limitadísima (Ariadna, 2005), written by David Ortega, Nietos del rock’n’roll (De Ponent, 2010), and six volumes of the series Las aventuras del Capitán Torrezno, all of them printed by De Ponent, one of the most original and imaginative works of the last decade Spanish comic: Horizontes lejanos (2001), Escala real (2003), Limbo sin fin (2003), Extramuros (2004), which was nominated as best work and best script at the Salón Internacional del Comic de Barcelona in 2005, Capital de provincias del dolor (2005) and Los años oscuros (2006). The latest volume of the series, Plaza Elíptica (2010), won the National Comic Award in 2011.
16 works in Vidas de papel
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