(Barcelona, 1986)
He taught himself to draw with books on How to draw manga. He has collaborated with fanzines and magazines like Ojodepez, ADOBO, ARGH!, ¡Caramba!, La Cultura del Duodeno, Colibrí, Kovra, La Kurda, SLURP!, Quimera or El Monográfico. He has recently published some of his work in Entrecomics Comic, Moowiloo Woomiloo, a webcomic created together with Molg H. (“Last Minute” award in the Golden Globes, 2012), and Infame, a 24-page comic published by ¡Caramba! Comics. He also shoots live action and animation films, thanks to which he has won a few awards in national film festivals. Check Néstor’s website here.
32 works in Vidas de papel
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