(Zaragoza - Spain, 1959)
A cartoonist and graphic press artist, illustrator, cartoon writer and director and video jockey, among other jobs, he is also the creator of the popular cartoon character “El bueno de Cutlas”, which has been published by different Spanish newspapers for 30 years now! His drawings have appeared in Makoki, El Víbora, Intervíu, El País, 20 minutos, in the Japanese magazine Morning and the Brazilian publication Animal, among many other periodicals. Calpurnio currently combines his job as a cartoonist for the journal 20 minutos with his frequent performances as video jockey in recitals and electronic music and art festivals. Calpurnio, who uses the nickname ERRORvideo, is an amazing video jockey. He has collaborated with other musicians like Mad Professor, or rock and electronic bands such as “All the Pretty Horses” and “Neotokyo”, as well as with many other electronic DJ’s. Calpurnio has also designed numerous posters, disc covers, murals, advertising illustrations... In short, you can find him everywhere. And then he is also an extraordinary person. For further information on Calpurnio, check www.calpurnio.com / www.cutlas.com / www.errorvideo.com
11 works in Vidas de papel
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